Contributing to Smooth and Effective Collaboration, Better Performance and Higher Fulfilment in the Work Environment.
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Since 2010, I have passionately pursued the question of how we can make the professional world more human. How do we enable ourselves to deal with social complexity and today’s challenges of an interconnected and fast-paced world? How can people in organisations communicate in a more goal-oriented, clear and meaningful way? How can they organise themselves and their work more effectively? How to achieve better results with a higher degree of personal fulfilment?
To this day I am amazed that organisations tend to optimise certain processes by every thousandth of an increase in efficiency, while they permit themselves the unnecessary ‘luxury’ of generating that much frictional energy in the interpersonal sphere. As if they simply had to surrender to this fate.
My various roles as organisational development and change consultant, executive coach, sparring partner for decision makers and senior executives, leadership and communication trainer, facilitator, conflict mediator as well as expert for business agility and new ways of working go hand in hand. They all serve the same purpose and build on a complementary set of competencies.
Prior to becoming independent, I spent almost one and a half decades in various industries (investment banking, asset management, strategy and private equity consulting, marketing and communication), in management, business development and consulting positions and in an international context (mainly Switzerland, UK, Germany, India). This experience enables me to relate to diverse contexts, industry dynamics and decision makers’ personal and professional challenges quickly and with ease.
Equally formative was my advanced degree obtained at the ‘school of life’, or to use this rather apt metaphor: my years as a ‘domestic hurricane rescue worker’. When I read this expression recently, it resonated with me. The valuable lessons of this time have taught me a lot about personal resilience and allow me to put myself empathically in the shoes of people in extraordinary crisis situations.
I am a German and Swiss national currently living in Zurich, Switzerland. I have also lived and/or worked in Belgium, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Ireland and the UK. My working languages are German, Swiss German, English and French.
Whatever I do, I strive for tailor-made paths that put people, their needs and their potential at the centre of attention. And as I am convinced that ‘we’ is significantly more performant than ‘I’ – apart from just being more enriching and fulfilling – I collaborate closely with an extensive network of trusted partners and experts in their respective fields.

What we stand for:
Human centricity
as humans make up organisations
as the best solutions are found by those concerned
as a variety of perspectives enables novel insights
Continuous learning and growth
as those who stand still will fall behind
Standing on the shoulders of giants
as the already existing wealth of knowledge should not be ignored
Knowledge transfer into client organisation
as it is our aim to make ourselves obsolete
I truly enjoy learning and integrating, aiming for a broad know-how combined with a concurrent thematic depth.
Of all education I have enjoyed so far, the most challenging, profound, unique and valuable has been the one taught at the school called life. No certificate has been obtained yet; the curriculum is still ongoing. For all the others, please click on the box to the right.
Certificates obtained include:
- Systemic Change Management and Organisational Development
- Systemic Coaching and Executive Coaching
- Applied Complexity Theory & Cynefin Master Class (Prof. Dave Snowden, Cognitive Edge)
- Synergetics and SNS Synergetic Navigation System (Prof. Dr. Dr. Günter Schiepek)
- Non-violent Communication (Marshall B. Rosenberg)
- Mediation/ Conflict Resolution (Institut für Klärungshilfe, Christoph Thomann et al)
- Appreciative Inquiry (Foundations and Human Interactions Module)
- Clear Leadership (Gervase R. Bushe)
- Group Dynamics (Eberhard Stahl)
- Dynamic Facilitation (Matthias zur Bonsen)
- Holacracy (Certified Practitioner and graduate of the Coach Training)
- Scrum Master
- Design Thinking